
Guest Posting in the Travel Industry: A How-to Guide

Guest Posting in the Travel Industry: A How-to Guide

As the world becomes smaller and more connected, so too does the travel industry. What once was a fragmented market segment is now flooded with content from almost every major brand and outlet. In fact, according to Content Marketing Institute, the travel and tourism industry produces more than 1 billion content marketing articles annually. That’s a lot of content! But that also means there’s fierce competition when it comes to getting your content published as a guest blogger in this niche. The trick to gaining visibility as a guest blogger is to stand out from the crowd by targeting specific blogs and focusing on their unique interests. This article includes tips for guest posting in the travel industry as well as key things to consider before pitching your blog post.

What is Guest Blogging?

Guest blogging is the act of publishing content on another person’s website. Usually, guest posting is done by experts in their niche and related fields who want to build their authority and increase their brand visibility. This is done by writing and publishing content that adds value to another person’s site and improves their readers’ experience. According to experts in digital marketing and SEO, If you’re looking to get your foot in the door as a travel blogger, then guest blogging is the best way to do it. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship that helps both parties: the host website gets quality content and the guest blogger gets valuable exposure. This exposure comes in the form of backlinks, social media shares, and an increase in search engine visibility—all positive steps toward growing your travel blog.

Travel Bloggers and Their Audience

There are plenty of travel bloggers out there, but not all of them are right for you. If you’re looking to grow your blog by guest posting, then it’s important to first understand the interests of each blog’s readership. Every blog has a specific audience that they cater to. If you want to guest post on a blog, then you’ll want to make sure that your content is a good fit for their readers. If your content is something that their readers will be interested in, then your posts are more likely to be accepted. But how do you find these blogs? Where do you start? The best way to start guest blogging is by using Google. Search for travel blogs within your niche and then take note of which blogs fit your interests. You can also use tools like Buzzsumo and Niche Hunter to help you with your search.

How to Find Travel Blogs that Accept Guest Posts

There are many travel blogs that accept guest posts. You can look for websites that interest you, and see if they have a “guest post” option.

Also, you can do a Google search with keywords such as "write for us travel guest post" or "write for us travel" to find guest posting opportunities on travel blogs. Many websites have a form where you can request to write a guest post, so you can try that as well. Once you find a travel website that accepts guest posts, you can try to find out their preferred topic or angle. Some websites accept any topic, but most of them have a preferred topic or angle. You can try to find out what they prefer and then pitch your idea accordingly.

How to Get Your Travel Content Published

Once you’ve identified your perfect travel blog partners and pitched a few ideas, there are a few best practices to keep in mind when guest blogging. First, guest blogging is not simply posting your content on another website. It requires a bit of a creative approach to make it more of a one-on-one conversation between you and the host of the blog. Before you publish your blog post, ask yourself: What’s the host’s blog about? What is the host’s main goal? What type of content does the blog typically publish? What does the host’s tone sound like? These are just a few questions to get you started.

How to Grow your Travel Blog with Guest Posts

Now that you’re publishing guest posts and working toward building your brand visibility, it’s time to start asking yourself how you can grow your blog even further. One way to do this is to start guest blogging on bigger blogs with a larger audience. You might start out guest posting on blogs with smaller audiences, but if you want to truly see growth, you’ll need to get your content published on the leading players in the industry. These leading blogs often have strict guidelines for accepting guest posts, which means you need to make sure you follow all the rules.

3 Tips for Guest Blogging in the Travel Niche

As with any niche, there are a few specific tips for guest blogging in the travel industry.

First, remember that you want your content to be valuable to readers. This means that your content should solve a problem, be educational, or be relevant to your readers.

Next, make sure that your content is properly formatted. This includes having a catchy headline, an introduction, body content, and a conclusion. You should also stay consistent with your tone of voice and make sure to reference your own website on the author bio at the end of your post.

Last but not least, make sure that your content is properly cited and properly sourced. This not only makes you a more credible guest blogger, but it also helps readers better understand and apply your information.


Guest blogging is a great way to build relationships with other bloggers and build your brand authority. For travel bloggers, it’s even more important to be selective about the blogs you choose to guest post on. These travel blogs have thousands—if not millions—of readers, and the content that is published on these blogs is what readers will see first. The more often your content is seen, the more likely it is that readers will click-through to your blog. They’ll also get to know your brand and be more familiar with your authority. In return, by guest blogging you’ll build even stronger relationships with these travel bloggers—relationships that might turn into business opportunities down the road.