Suggested Readings

Suggested Readings (Page 85)

How Does Field Service Software Benefit Businesses
Companies in the HVAC business must function more intelligently, be more organized, and have well-managed processes to compete in today's highly competitive market. Field service mobility and a stronger capacity to transform Big Data into actionable analytics assist them in ...
5 Helpful Tips For Safe Faxing
Modern technology has provided us with several ways to communicate. But despite all these communication mediums, the fax machine is still used by businesses and the government. Depending on the type of fax you use, the information and document you share could be vulnerable ...
The Benefits Of Having A Commercial Contract In Place
Often people have a verbal agreement or oral contract in place and while this may seem sufficient, it can often leave the clients or those involved unhappy. This is why establishing written contracts should be a prerequisite before engaging in any business. What Is A ...
How To Heal After A Traumatic Event
Traumatic events happen regardless of economic status, gender, or age. A general population survey conducted in 24 countries showed that more than 70% of respondents had undergone a traumatic event, with 30.5% experiencing four or more traumatic events. A traumatic event ...
Doctor Appointment Booking Platform to Streamline Your Doctor Visits
Doctor appointments can be stressful and can even cause stress in other areas of your life. Do you dread the thought of seeing the doctor? Or do you genuinely enjoy the doctor’s visits? Regardless of your feelings, the process of scheduling a doctor’s ...
4 Myths about Estate Planning You Should Stop Believing Today
Living with the vicissitudes of the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years has made many of us acutely aware of our mortality. In a world where social, economic and public health conditions change at dizzying speeds, setting your financial affairs in order is more ...
Wrongful Death Is Becoming More Visible - Is The Law Changing?
Wrongful death is an important part of the civil law framework in America. It enables private citizens to take action against any company or individual they feel has caused a tragic loss of life; the joint lawsuit being filed against Amazon following a warehouse ...
In Your Estate Plan, You Have to Remember to Prepare for Your Potential Incapacitation
The following is adapted from Savvy Estate Planning. There’s a brutal truth that many people don’t think about, but they should: a disability is often harder on a family than a death. Why? Because if you become seriously disabled, your loved ones will have to ...
Navigating the Grieving Process: How to Find Strength When the Death of a Loved One is Inevitable
My husband, Scott, was an expert storyteller. His stories were legendary. As a family, we had created a Celtic music CD recording in a studio, but in all of the time we spent in the studio, we never thought to have him record his stories. It wasn’t until five months ...
Learn How to Feel a Pulse and You Could Save a Life
The following is adapted from Dad Lived to 101 and You Can Too. During anesthesia, physiological monitoring is essential—your operating room experience is much safer because of it. Administering anesthesia without using any monitoring devices or techniques is like ...
All is Not Lost: How to Find Positivity and Hope While Battling Chronic Illness or Other Health Issues
When you find out that your loved one is diagnosed with a chronic illness, it feels like the world disintegrates around you. The floor disappears under your feet, the walls float off into space, the air even seems to rush out of your lungs. I understand the feeling. I ...
The First-Time Traveler’s Guide to New York City: What to Expect and How to Prepare
So, you’re heading to New York City for the first time. There’s a lot to know! NYC can be overwhelming, especially if you’re used to seeing it on TV, in movies, and in shows where life never stops. While NYC never does stop, there are still ways to soak in ...
‎5 Ways To Help Preserve Brain Health In ‎Elderly People
Have you been experiencing memory loss? Or are your loved ones finding it difficult ‎to focus on tasks? If that is so, you or your loved one's brain health might be at risk. ‎With our five ways to help preserve brain health in older people, you don't have to ...
All About Multifamily Bridge Loans
One of the biggest changes real estate investors have seen in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic is the use of multifamily bridge loans. People should keep in mind that there are major differences between these loans and conventional loans. Bridge loans are secured by using ...
Why You Should Consider New Construction Loans
Construction loans can make the debt more accessible for those that need it. New construction loans are a form of lending created to finance the construction or renovation of buildings and other structures. Many lenders focus on these lending products, and they typically ...
Are Consumer Proposals a Good Idea?
Did you know that over 1 million Canadians file for bankruptcy every year? In more than half of these cases, the individual could have filed a Consumer Proposal and avoided bankruptcy. Consumer Proposals are a type of debt relief option available to Canadian consumers. ...
Will My Credit Score Be Affected by a Consumer Proposal?
If you’re considering filing for a consumer proposal, one of the things you may be wondering is how it will affect your credit score. A consumer proposal is a formal process through which you can negotiate with your creditors to repay a portion of your debt over a ...
How to Find a Dentist “Near Me”
Oral health plays a crucial role in determining the overall quality of your health, and hence it is important that you look for ways to keep your teeth clean, strong and healthy so that you will not suffer from any kind of dental issues. Therefore, it is important that you ...
How To Find A Trucking Company Hiring Students
If you're starting to think about driving a truck, you're probably wondering how to get a good-paying job with one of the many trucking companies that are hiring new drivers. Getting a career as an inexperienced driver isn't easy, especially if you don't know how to apply. ...
What is the Penalty for Assault in Canada?
The criminal code in Canada outlines the penalties for assault. An assault is defined as the deliberate application of force to another person, directly or indirectly. A person who intends to use force on another individual may also be committing an assault. In addition, an ...
6 Reasons To Invest In Short-Term Rental Properties
In the past, real estate investors focused on long-term rental property investments. However, during the recent pandemic, many of these investors incurred significant losses because tenants struggled to pay the bills. Many of these property owners were forced to let go of ...
Five Great Benefits of Hiring a Drainage Engineer to Tackle Your Blocked Drains
It can be disheartening to discover that the drains at your home or business premises are blocked. Blocked drains are smelly, unsightly and can cause major disruption at your property. Your first instinct may be to attempt to tackle the blockage on your home. However, if you ...
7 Simple Tips for Decorating Small Spaces when Renting an Apartment
After renting an apartment, your mind might be flooded with numerous decor ideas. And why not? Decorations help add a lively and personal touch to any space, be it a just living room or the entire apartment. However, it can become a daunting task when working with is more ...
Is It Normal For a New Roof To Leak?
Repairing or replacing a roof is a lengthy and complex process that requires a lot of effort, resources, and expenses. This is why you, as a homeowner, expect the best results, and it can indeed be frustrating to see adverse outcomes of your investment. Of course, it is ...
How to Save on Flight Tickets and Hotels with VPN
Do you love travelling? Is high hotel and flight ticket cost barring you from enjoying frequent visits to various destinations all over the world? Or have your attempts to slash down overall expenditure on flight ticket as well as hotel booking proven futile? With recent ...
How to Deal with Household Costs After Moving In Together
Moving in together with your partner is a big step in a relationship. It is also a big step in regards to finances. Moving in together can ease the burden on both of your wallets as household costs will more than likely be shared by both of you. Advance planning is ...
Gone Overboard with Your Finances? How to Get Back on Track
Going overboard with your finances is not hard to accomplish. Experts have said that the average American family owes $7,500 in credit card debt. If that were not enough, many people now owe more than their home is even worth. But alas, all is not lost. A budget can be ...
How Many Attempts Will a Process Server Make in Contra Costa County?
The legal process can be excruciatingly convoluted. In the US, a crucial aspect of this process involves “being served”—the colloquial expression to mean having official, legal documents delivered to you in person. In theory, anyone over the age of 18 can ...
Mistakes To Avoid When Transporting Your Car
When you are looking for state to state car transportation services, you have many car transport companies to choose from. While these types of companies all serve a similar purpose, they can be quite different with the quality of services they provide. By being aware of ...
How Does Bail Work? Staying Out of Jail While You Await Trial
Bail, in legal terms is known as Judicial Interim Release,. It is a scenario in which a person is released owing to certain conditions prior to their trial date. When you are arrested and charged with a crime, the judge will set a bail amount. This is the money you must pay ...
Landlord Guide to Property Tax Assessment
Running a rental business is not cheap, and there are several costs that property owners have to account for at the end of the year. Thankfully, the IRS knows, and many expenses are eligible for deduction according to their policy. Despite that leverage, many landlords ...
How to Find a Good Attorney
The US District Court's filings for civil cases are up 16%, and it's still climbing. Civil cases include personal injury, fraud, medical malpractice, defamation, and the list goes on. If you're dealing with a complex civil case, you're probably searching for a lawyer. ...
Four Things You Can Do if You Witness Sexual Harassment at Work
No one should ever have to put up with sexual harassment at work. All citizens have legal rights to work in a safe environment. However, sexual harassment still, unfortunately, happens at the workplace; from coworkers, managers, or employers. If you witness someone at work ...
6 Creative Ideas For Maximizing Space In A Studio Apartment
As of 2018, the average size of a newly constructed studio apartment in the US was approximately 514 square feet, marking a 10.3% decrease from 573 square feet in 2008, according to a report on Flex. Renting a studio apartment is an excellent choice if you want to have ...
A Guide to Getting Rid of Termites in Your Home
Termites are the little daredevils you don’t want to see anywhere in your home. Their infestation to your household is such that it will make a huge mess of your properties. Once termites invade your house, it becomes difficult to fight them off. At least to some ...
4 Effective Ways to Ventilate Your Home
Ventilation is key to a healthy home. By keeping the air moving you can reduce the likelihood of airborne bacteria and viruses spreading. It will also decrease the chances of damp creating mould in your home. Mould is a particular concern as is spores can get into your lungs ...
Dental Startup: 5 Essential Tools And Equipment Dentists Must Have
Image Source Opening your dental practice is an achievement of a lifetime. If you are planning to open one yourself, there are certain things you need to prepare to deliver better services to your patients and prevent them from the risk of getting affected by other ...
The Impact of Blockchain on Our Society
Today, trust is the basis of many of our every-day activities. We put money into a bank trusting that it will be safe there, we give information to one another on what they promise not to share with someone else without prior permission and because those pieces of paper are ...
Seven Telltale Signs You Should Buy a New House
People can spend the rest of their lives living in the same place. There appears to be nothing wrong with this, as far as I can tell. After purchasing a home, we won't have to deal with these issues again. You can relax once you have a place to call home. The birth of a ...
How To Stay Healthy With Mobile Phones
The proliferation of mobile phones has brought a lot of benefits to the world. With smartphones, we can stay connected and find people who matter to us. However, there are also some risks with this convenience. Here are some ways you can use your smart phone to stay ...
Should I File For Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
If you have struggled to pay bills during the COVID 19 pandemic, you might be thinking about bankruptcy. But, what are the differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy protection, and how do you know which is best?  Bankruptcy Overview Bankruptcy is the most ...
Effective Techniques To Keep Flies Away From Food At An Outdoor Party
Summer brings the promise of warm weather, the ability to entertain outdoors, and generally creates a more positive spin on life. But, it also brings an array of pests, including flies. These are a nuisance as they land on any surface, carry a variety of diseases, and they ...
Renting vs Purchasing in Florida: What to Opt for?
Image Source Investing in real estate is definitely one of the best moves you can make. Naturally, every investor out there has preferences about it. There is no magic formula for doing this right and expecting a profit. But what happens when someone doesn’t have a ...
Expert Marketing Tactics That Can Help Property Developers Thrive In Uncertain Times
Even through worldwide market turmoil and dwindling inventories, the global real estate market is slated to grow to over $3.7 trillion in market value in 2022, according to Research and Markets. One of the key reasons for this is arguably the ability of property ...
What Is My Pain And Suffering Worth?
Let’s assume for a moment that you got into a car accident that required a hospital stay. Upon discharge, you settled the hospital bill, implying the economic damage due to injury. The value of the expense is quantifiable, right? What about the pain you had to endure ...
What’s The Difference Between A Contract Claim & A State Law Claim?
Image Source: Pexels If you’ve ever needed a lawyer before, then you’ll know how complex things can become, there are all sorts of terms and phrases thrown around that, it can be hard to keep up. Some people may have wondered what the difference is between a ...
How to Avoid Unwanted Tracking on Your Phone
A lot of us are constantly on our phones. Whether it's to send a funny text message we want to share, or to post a picture of our latest happy hour on Instagram, our phones have become an essential part of our daily lives. With that in mind, not being able to use your phone ...
Financial Tips for Traveling in China
China hosts a rich and diverse history and culture and is one of the four ancient civilizations with over 3600 years of written history. The country is a host of 47 UNESCO World Heritage Sites with the inclusion of the Imperial Palaces of the Qing and Ming, the Great Wall ...
Common and Uncommon Cryptocurrency Scams
The bitcoin situation in the market is rapidly shifting, and the nature of its impact on the future of transactions has left the world in hysterics such as volatility, risk, reward, and loss. As retail investors, speculators, and various investment firms continue to focus on ...
Want to Move from an Apartment to a Home? Do This
Millions of people who live in apartments do so temporarily, aiming to improve their financial situations, save up for down payments on homes, and eventually move out. If you currently pay monthly rent to a landlord, consider making a few financial moves that can get you ...